Friday, May 28, 2010


First I'd like to give a shout out to my lovely mother & my grandpa
They are two of the most AMAZING people I know!
FACT: They share the same birthday
FACT: So does my sister and Dad
FACT: That's pretty cool

Second my BEAUTIFUL sister Ashlee graduated Highschool! She worked really hard this year and we are so proud of her, she was able to get her CNA which I think is awesome! She loves to help people so the job just seemed fitting.  So she is going to Ecuador over the summer to work in an orphanage, were really excited for her to have that experience, but at the same time she's my best friend, and we always have so much fun in the summer together so selfishely  I'm really sad about it, and am going to miss her like crazy!!

Thirdly today we went to the park & I took some cute pictures so I must share :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh yes they did...

As all know we had quite the snow fall (I HATE utah weather)
My sweet husband and Alyviah (who loves the snow and couldn't be more excited when she woke up to it this morning..she said "yay, it's pretending to be christmas" funny) 
Decided to take full advantage of the cold weather..
And go make a Snow Man...but of course by the time they got all geared up...the snow was mostly GONE!!
So they made a very nice looking Slush Man..
When finished it was like ice so they used batteries for the eyes, and rocks for the mouth, and i'm not sure what the nose was...but they had a blast!!
And by the time they were done...the sun was out, they were dying of heat...and not one snow flake was left on the grass!
(did I say how much i HATE utah weather...just checking)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day/ Anniversary!

I have the worlds GREATEST MOM!! I am so grateful for her and all she does for our family! My kids adore her, and are always so excited to see her everyday! She taught me how to do EVERYTHING with lyvi since when I had her I'd NEVER been around babies before, and for that I am very grateful! She is so fun to be around, and she always makes room for us to go to lunch with her every week!! 
I am so grateful to be a mom. It is the hardest and most rewarding job anyone can have!  I love my girls and I couldn't imagine life with out them!  It has been so fun getting to know their unique personalities, they are 100% different and I LOVE THEM!!!
Mothers Day this year also fell on our 2nd Anniversary!!
I love my husband so much and I am so grateful for him!!
He is a great dad and works so hard for our family!!
He is always making me laugh and constantly trying to find new ways to push ALL my buttons :]